
Busy bee Joe Jonas

Joe Jonas is not planning to go the solo route like his brother Nick.  

Joe Jonas is working on a lot of different things right now. He is not, however, looking to follow in the footsteps of his younger brother, Nick, and launch a solo career.

The middle Jonas told MTV News: "I didn’t say that, I said I’ve been working on lots of music. I’ve been working [with] lots of musicians having a great time."

Time will tell if the music he is working on will result in a solo album. Joe revealed: "[I have] been writing with a lot of friends of mine and some artists here and there, and we’ll see what comes out it."

The brothers are unfailingly supportive of each other. During the interview, both the older and younger brothers piped in to comment on Joe’s music. Nick said: "I’ve heard it. It’s awesome," while Kevin added, "It’s really good music."

MTV also asked what the eldest Jonas was up to. Kevin commented: "I’ve just been really enjoying the first year of marriage. So far, there’s a couple things in the pipeline for me and, I don’t know. There’s a lot going on and I just want to explore every option."