
Busy Philipps’ emotional tribute to late friend

Busy Philipps has paid an emotional tribute to her friend who died by suicide, after the actress held the memorial service at her home over the weekend.

Busy Philipps has paid an emotional tribute to her friend who died by suicide.

Jennah Ferrer-Foronda took her own life on March 7 and after Busy held a memorial for her at her house over the weekend, the 37-year-old actress took to Instagram to share her grief.

Sharing a picture of her with Jennah, she wrote: "How much do we share anymore? What does anything mean on here anyway? This is my beautiful friend @jennah.ferrer.foronda. On March 7, she took her own life. She was so many things. She was a mother, a friend, an artist, A poet, a warrior, a f**king Instagram lover, a complex human being, a beautiful beautiful sensitive soul. She was my very first mom friend. I met her when we were both like 9 weeks pregnant with our kids. Our kids are still such good friends.

"Today we held a memorial for her at my house and did a kundalini prayer and had a sound bath and told stories and the kids did art and made flower crowns and necklaces and we drank rose and all the things she would have loved. I honestly don’t know what any of this means or if we are Sims or if there’s a god or what but I know that people matter (sic)."

Busy also issued a plea for people to reach out for help if they need it and she posted the number for the National Suicide hotline in the US.

She wrote: "People matter. And if you feel like you don’t right now, please know that you do. I know you do. Call someone. Reach out. I miss my friend. Her son will miss her forever. National suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255. I love you Jennah. Be at peace (sic)."