
Can blueberries help you lose weight?

Research suggests that berry targets fat cells.

Blueberries could help you lose weight by fighting fat at the molecular level, according to promising new research presented at the Experimental Biology meeting for the American Society for Nutrition in Washington.

Researchers at Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Texas worked with tissue samples taken from mice, injecting them with varying amounts polyphenols – a certain type of chemical compound found in blueberries.

"I wanted to see if using blueberry polyphenols could inhibit obesity at a molecular stage," explained lead author Shiwani Moghe. "The lipid [fat] content in the control group was significantly higher than the content of the tissue [that was] given three doses of blueberry polyphenols."

According to the study, the tissue samples given the highest dose of blueberry polyphenols had 73 percent less fat than those given no polyphenols. The samples that received the lowest dose showed a 27 percent decrease from the control group.

"We still need to test this dose in humans, to make sure there are no adverse effects, and to see if the doses are as effective," noted Moghe.

"This is a burgeoning area of research. Determining the best dose for humans will be important. The promise is there for blueberries to help reduce adipose tissue [body fat] from forming in the body."