
Can grapes curtail the risk of skin cancer?

Study finds that the fruit protects against premature aging and possibly skin cancer.

Flavonoids extracted from grapes may prevent cancerous cells from forming in cells exposed to UV rays, finds a research study conducted by scientists from the University of Barcelona and the Spanish National Research Council.

Drugs, supplements and cosmetic products containing grape compounds are readily available to the public, but their effect on cells had not been fully understood until now.

Marta Cascante, a biochemist at the University of Barcelona and director of the research project, said: "This study supports the idea of using [grape-enriched] products to protect the skin from cell damage and death caused by solar radiation."

Additionally, compounds found in the fruit are said to protect cells from the ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun – the leading environmental cause of skin cancer.

Dr Cascante added: "These encouraging results should be taken into consideration… to develop new photo-protection skin products."

Full findings of the study are published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

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