Mode et accessoires

Canadian trio star in new Jacob campaign

Fashion retailer features three famous Canadian women.

Montreal-based clothing chain Jacob has launched a new ad campaign starring three well-known Canadian women – actress Karine Vanasse, snowboarder Kimiko Zakreski, and author and social media expert Amber Mac.

According to Jacob spokesperson Critelle Basmaji, the three were chosen because they "have personalities and values that resemble our brand and company. It’s important for us that every action we do really reflects who we are as a brand and a business."

The new campaign launched yesterday (February 7) in 100 Jacob stores across the country. For the first time in Jacob’s 33 years of operation, the company has featured Canadians in their advertising campaign.

"We chose brilliant and accomplished women from different fields who live in various parts of the country to represent the brand," said Basmaji.

Vanasse, the famous French-Canadian actress (Polytechnique, Head in the Clouds), resides in Quebec; Zakreski, the Olympic athlete, hails from Alberta; and Mac, the host of CP24’s Webnation, was born in PEI and currently resides in Toronto.

Jacob is a member of the Quebec Charter for a Healthy and Diverse Body Image and was the first women’s clothing retailer in Canada to enact a policy of using unaltered photographs in ads. As part of Jacob’s commitment, Vanasse, Zakreski and Mac all agreed to the use of original images that had not been retouched.