Sports (en)

Carey Price contacted a Cree woman fighting brain cancer

Carey Price is a great human being, and once again, he demonstrated this great quality by taking several minutes to chat with a Cree woman suffering from brain cancer.

The number 31 contacted the woman via video conference through Jonathan Bertrand, a physical education teacher from Waskaganish, where the woman in question, Shirley Wischee Moar, works as a teacher.

The discussion between Carey and Shirley lasted about 10 minutes as the two new friends talked about hockey and the diagnosis she received last January.

She also told Carey about her strong desire to attend a hockey game again… Carey sent her positive vibes, big encouragement, and strongly encouraged her not to give up on the fight ahead.

Knowing this one, he must be planning an all-expenses paid trip to the Bell Centre for Shirley as soon as she is feeling better.

Ms. Moar was on her way to the Montreal Neurological Hospital Institute for a simple appointment, which turned into horrible news. She then went under the knife three times, heading for radiation and chemotherapy.

Let’s send Shirley a ton of positive vibes!