
Carrie Fisher public memorial details released

A public memorial service in honour of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds will feature the first play of a new song by James Blunt, a performance from the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles, and a dance tribute from the Debbie Reynolds dance school.

A public memorial service in honour of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds will feature music and dance tributes to the iconic stars.

The ‘Star Wars’ actress and her mother passed away within days of one another in December, and though they were laid to rest in a private funeral service, fans will now get their chance to pay their last respects on March 25.

According to TMZ, the memorial will be held at a 1,200-seat theater at Forest Lawn cemetery, where the pair are buried, and will include a musical tribute from Carrie’s close friend James Blunt.

While the ‘You’re Beautiful’ singer won’t be performing, a new song he’s written in honour of his late pal will be debuted as a photo montage is broadcast, Carrie’s brother Todd told the website.

Also planned for the service is a dance tribute from the Debbie Reynolds dance school, and a musical performance from the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles.

Additionally, costumes and memorabilia from the ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ star and her famous daughter’s movie sets will be on display.

Carrie’s daughter, Billie Lourd, will be in attendance but won’t address the audience because it is "too emotional" for her to give a speech.

And guest of honour will be Carrie’s beloved dog Gary.

Todd announced in January that the public service would be taking place this month.

He said at the time: "We will be celebrating their lives with friends, family members, and the people who loved them, you. The service will begin at 1:00 PM and immediately afterwards, those who want to walk to their final resting place are welcome to do so.

"There are a limited number of seats available, and it will be on a first come first come, first seated basis, There are no tickets, it is first come, first seated. There will be room for overflow in the huge lobby as well as the outside with screens to watch and hear the service."