
Carrie Fisher to get trainer for Star Wars

Disney are going to hire Carrie Fisher a personal trainer to get her in shape for ‘Star Wars Episode VII’ so she plans to indulge her sweet tooth before the hard work starts.

Carrie Fisher is going to work with a "personal trainer" to get her into shape ahead of the new ‘Star Wars’ film.

The 56-year-old actress is set to reprise her role as Princess Leia in the next installment of the epic sci-fi franchise which has been bought by Disney from its creator George Lucas.

Carrie has struggled to keep her weight under control for years and is very pleased the studio is going to hire her a exercise guru to get her fit, but she is going to indulge in a lot of sweet foods before her healthy regime starts.

Speaking at a Q&A session at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo in Canada on Saturday (27.04.13), she said: "I like being bought by Disney, because they never wanted to buy me before. I’m glad they are doing a new movie because they are sending a trainer to my house so I can get in really good shape. So I’m really eating a lot of sugar in advance, as you can see. By the time I really get down to it I will have eaten everything."

Carrie starred in the original ‘Star Wars’ trilogy between 1977 and 1983 along with Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill and her two male co-stars are also set to reprise their roles as Han Solo and Luke Skywalker – Princess Leia’s twin brother – respectively.

The irreverent star shared kisses with Harrison in two of the movies and she claims his on-screen technique is not great.

She joked: "There’s a difference between screen kissing and life kissing. Harrison doesn’t like screen kissing. I believe one time he put an oyster in his mouth. Not with me, he just told me about that so I’d behave myself. So, not so great on-screen. But we were playing spin-the-bottle and he was better…"

Disney paid $4.05 billion (£2.52 billion) for George’s production company Lucasfilm’ and ‘Star Wars Episode VII’ – which will be directed by J.J. Abrams – is scheduled for a 2015 release date.