
Case Closed on the Death of Michael Jackson

The investigation on Michael Jackson’s death is over, and will soon be disclosed.

The King of Pop, who died of an overdose of propofol last June, was last seen alive by his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray. Murray will be prosecuted in the coming weeks as the key suspect responsible for the singer’s death.

Detectives working on the Jackson case wrapped up the investigation last month, and the official document will be presented to the Los Angeles district attorney.

A source revealed that the investigation was very thorough and is now complete, providing sufficient evidence to prosecute Dr. Murray.

The case is complicated, because the doctor broke no laws by administering the drug to Jackson. However, he may still be charged with involuntary manslaughter, due to negligence.

Conrad Murray continued to treat patients following Jackson’s death, since no charges were pressed against him immediately following the incident.

Last November, it was reported that authorities were waiting until 2010 to make a decision on Murray’s arrest. Los Angeles Police Commander Patrick Gannon stated, "A decision (on whether to prosecute) will be made in 2010. It is not going to be made this year."