
Ironman dies in tragic accident

Brian Kozera, a Pennsylvania Ironman who was also a police officer in his hometown and a cancer survivor, died suddenly at the age of 44.

Kozera was hit head-on by a car while training for three events leading up to the big event in Hawaii this October.

TMZ Sports obtained information from the accident report, then Kozera allegedly ran a stop/stop, sending him head-on into the wheels of a pickup truck.

According to the documents, Brian ended up in the back wheels of the pickup truck. Authorities said the 44-year-old man was quickly transported to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead from injuries.

Note that in 2014, Kozera was diagnosed with a rare cancer (Hodgkin’s lymphoma), and then knocked out this one in 2015, which actually pushed him to become an Ironman athlete.

BuzzNews (anglais) Gossip News

Tom Holland withdraws from social media

He wants to take care of his mental health.

Tom Holland has officially announced that he is taking a break from social media.

The star of Spider-Man who has 67.7 million followers on Instagram and 7.4 million on Twitter, has rarely used either platform lately.

In the nearly three-minute video, Holland seemed to have a hard time communicating his feelings on social media.

“Hi everyone. I’ve been trying to make this video for about an hour. And for someone who spent the last, I don’t know, 13, 14 years acting, I can’t say what I need to say without umm-ing and ah-ing every five minutes. So I’m going to try again,” he said in his video.

At the end of the video, Tom Holland paid tribute to the teen mental health charity Stem4 and the philanthropic organization Brothers Trust created by Holland’s parents.

BuzzNews (anglais) News

Do-it-yourself air cleaners could be a cost-effective solution for classrooms

What do you think of this idea?

Quebec classrooms could all be equipped with an air purifier to be assembled for about a hundred dollars per classroom. That’s what this Radio-Canada article explains in which we discover the Corsi-Rosenthal box that was designed to reduce the risks of transmission of COVID-19.

The principle behind this do-it-yourself air purifier is to reduce the virus particles that people breathe by adding a few filters to a ventilation system. The first model made by one of the two co-inventors, Richard Corsi, was later improved by Jim Rosenthal, the president and CEO of a filter company in Texas. The two engineers then designed an air purifier that is quite simple to assemble and can effectively clean the air (a University of California study looked at this).

The box consists of four MERV13 filters and a square fan. The whole thing is taped together. Ideally, the filters should be replaced every six months. This video shows how to assemble a Corsi-Rosenthal box.

In Quebec, there are currently no plans to use the Corsi-Rosenthal box. However, a few people have decided to install the boxes in certain schools in Quebec. This is the case for Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary School in Gatineau. The school received a government grant to purchase the boxes. Moreover, the construction of the air purifiers could be a very interesting activity to do with the students!

What do you think of this original solution to air quality in classrooms?


Elon Musk: “I’m not buying any sports teams”

Manchester United: Elon Musk changes his mind and claims it’s a bad joke.

Billionaire Elon Musk, boss of Tesla and SpaceX, dropped a little bombshell on Twitter, claiming:

“I’m buying Manchester United, you’re welcome!”

Obviously, many doubted the veracity of the story, and it didn’t take long for Musk to admit that it was just a joke. A joke that has been going on for a while on Twitter, according to him.

His tweet generated hundreds of thousands of reactions, sports fans proving to be as emotional as the Tesla boss’ followers.

Elon Musk recently sold about $7 billion worth of shares in his Tesla group, as he finds himself in a legal battle over his botched Twitter takeover.

News Sports (en) Ton Barbier

Wayne Gretzky sued for chewing gum!

Wayne Gretzky is said to have told a lie about his weight loss, stating that he achieved this feat by chewing gum, having lost 35 pounds in two months thanks to a chewing product.

Steven Sparks, the creator of this gum, named OMG gum, claims that he did not know that Gretzky was lying, and therefore reinvested money and services in the company, reports TMZ.

The former No. 99 finally admitted that his talk about his weight loss was misleading, which significantly affected Sparks’ finances, he alleges.

Sparks is suing Gretzky for $10 million.

Wayne’s wife, Janet, was originally hired as a spokesperson for the gum.

Sparks also alleges that Gretzky lied to boost the company’s stock, and quietly bought it in his family’s name before selling it, a much more serious allegation.


Cardinal Marc Ouellet targeted in assault allegations

Cardinal Marc Ouellet is the target of allegations of assault, and his name is on a list that has been made public as part of a class action lawsuit, reports Radio-Canada.

Approximately 80 members of the clergy seem to appear in the documents.

The class action seem to involve more than a hundred victims who were, for the most part, minors when the alleged events occurred.

The allegations against Ouellet are seemingly coming from a woman, anonymous at this point, who said she had completed an internship as a pastoral worker between 2008 and 2010.

No criminal charges have been brought against the man who many experts see as a possible successor to the pope.


All menstrual products are now free in Scotland

What great news!

Scotland has officially become the first country to make all menstrual products completely free for the general population. This is great news for anyone who needs these products, and hopefully Scotland’s decision will inspire others to follow suit in the fight against menstrual poverty.

The country had already passed a bill in 2020 to make such products free, but it wasn’t until two years later that the Period Products Act became official. At the time, the bill passed unanimously, showing the country’s willingness to recognize the monetary inequality inherent in menstruating people being forced to purchase these types of products, resulting in high costs over the long term.

Menstrual poverty is a real concept that causes suffering for many low-income people. Menstrual products are generally expensive, and many people simply cannot afford them. This puts them in awkward, even uncomfortable situations when they are menstruating. Some people are even faced with difficult choices, such as buying a box of tampons instead of food… This is a reality that needs to be addressed, and Scotland has just proven that it is possible to do so in order to achieve a more just and equitable society.

In Quebec and Canada, taxes have been abolished on menstrual products for several years now, but we can dream of the day when this kind of item will simply be free!

BuzzNews (anglais) News TPL Moms

Back to school: all CO2 sensors are installed in Quebec, Jean-François Roberge says

Jean-François Roberge says everything is ready for the start of the school year

With the start of the 2022 school year just days away, Education Minister Jean-François Roberge says all CO2 sensors have been installed in classrooms across the province. Schools are therefore ready to check CO2 levels to ensure the safety and well-being of students.

The demand for these sensors dates back to the beginning of the pandemic, and after more than two years, installation in all schools is finally complete. The CO2 sensors will be used as part of a school air quality management strategy. To prevent the spread of COVID-19 in classrooms and common areas, the sensors measure various parameters such as temperature, humidity and CO2 levels in the room. The provincial target has been set at 1000 ppm (parts per million), with a tolerance of up to 1500 ppm.

However, this target does not meet with unanimous approval, especially in the scientific community.

Indeed, as reported by Radio-Canada, Stéphane Bilodeau, a lecturer in the Department of Bioengineering at McGill University, explains that “when weaccept 1500 ppm, it means that we are very tolerant of the risk of infection. If we are in what many experts talk about as a suitable limit, we are more in the order of 800 parts per million. Some even mention 700.

The Minister of Education’s department prioritized solution to managing CO2 levels in classrooms is still natural ventilation – opening windows, even in the dead of winter. While some schools across the province have benefited from work such as window changes or the installation of mechanical ventilation, not all school buildings have been renovated. This is of course a concern to many parents who would like to see more action taken to ensure air quality in schools.

Considering that the start of the 2022 school year will be without measures such as masking, distancing or reducing class sizes, and that an eighth wave seems to be looming over the province, parents’ concerns are quite understandable.

Nevertheless, Roberge says he is pleased with the work that has been done. He also says that improving the school system remains a priority for the CAQ.

News TPL Moms

First case of polio in a decade detected in the United States

However, there is little chance that it will make its way to Canada.

The first case of polio in ten years has been detected in the United States, in the state of New York. The individual likely contracted the disease through contact with a person who received the oral polio vaccine (OPV).

It is important to note that OPV can infect other people because it travels through the body and is excreted in the feces. The person who has received the vaccine can then transmit it via their feces or respiratory secretions since the virus can live in the throat for some time. Considering this, OPV has not been administered for more than twenty years in the United States and Canada. The individual who caused the infection reported in New York could therefore have come from a country where OPV is still given.

The alert was therefore sounded in the State of New York in order to monitor the possible evolution of new cases, as reported by CNN.

A call for vaccination has also been issued for anyone who is not already immune to the disease. Polio was virtually eradicated worldwide following a historic vaccination effort between the 1950s and 1970s. The vaccine has been part of the regular vaccination schedule for children in Quebec for decades.

Despite this alarming news, Dr. Valérie Lamarre, a pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases at Sainte-Justine Hospital in Montreal, believes that this is not a risk for Canada, but we must obviously remain vigilant and promote vaccination among parents of young children, Le Devoir reports.

“We will see these cases appear from time to time. Go get your vaccines, these diseases are preventable,” said Dr. Lamarre.


A woman missing since 1980 has been found

Dale Nancy Wyman had been missing since 1980. She was found 42 years later, but unfortunately, she recently passed away.

Earlier this week, police in Nancy Wyman’s hometown of Ottawa said a woman who has been missing since July 16, 1980, had been out of the country for all those years, Global reported.

A press release filed more details about this, stating that the family of the lady in question had been contacted by an individual, who announced Wyman’s death.

Wyman was not kidnapped, but she left her parents’ home, with a suitcase, called a cab and never return.

The cab driver, who was the last person to see Wyman, then 22 years old, noted that she spoke with two people at a terminal, only to never see her again.

More than forty years later, after the family had long believed she was in Alberta, the case is closed, despite the bad news.