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Tips and tricks for family cleaning!

Whew! Family cleaning! Let’s just say it’s not the kids’ favorite family activity, but it’s necessary from time to time!

Depending on the age of your children, they can participate and help at their own level. There are many tips to encourage them to clean up in a fun way, here are a few!

The little ones

Ekaterina Bolovtsova via Pexels

Young children love to imitate their parents. Often, your child will want to clean with you! From 2-3 years old, the child can put away toys with or without help. It is important to give plenty of praise to the child who puts things away. All children (even adults!) seek positive attention. If the child gets it while putting things away, he will want to do it again! You can also turn tidying up time into a game. For example, you could tidy up with tongs (you’ll work on fine motor skills too). You could also have a tidy-up race! The first one to finish wins a prize!

Also, to help the little ones sweep up, you could glue coloured sticky paper on the floor in the shape of a square. This way, the child will have to bring the dust in the square. It’s fun and much easier!

Bigger kids

Anete Lusina via Pexels

No matter how old your kids are, a visual schedule can help.

Make a little chart for yourself as a family that shows everyone’s tasks with beautiful pictograms as well as the time frame for completing those tasks.

This will make everyone’s expectations clear.

In addition, you could determine together rules regarding household chores and consequences for not following the rules. So sit down as a family and talk about it!

Young people who feel involved in setting the family routine are more likely to participate. And, even with teenagers, it’s possible to turn housework into a game!

Turn on the speakers and dance!

Let’s get it on!