Entertainment Gossip

Shaken by his passage in Ukraine, Sean Penn thinks of taking up arms

Sean Penn is thinking of going into battle for Ukraine.

Still shaken by his time in Ukraine, Sean Penn is indeed thinking of taking up arms.

The actor had no hesitation flying to Ukraine at the beginning of the Russian invasion in order to film a documentary on what was happening there, before taking refuge in Poland with many Ukrainians when the bombing proved too intense.

“If you’ve been to Ukraine, it crosses your mind (to take up arms). Also, you wonder what century it is (…) The only possible reason for me to stay in Ukraine longer would have been to hold a rifle (…),” Sean Penn says in an interview with Hollywood Authentic.

The 61-year-old star also revealed in the interview that he spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky just before the Russian invasion began.

Entertainment Gossip

Jack White gets married in concert!

A true romantic rock story!

The iconic Jack White not only proposed to his lover in the middle of a concert, but also got married to her a few minutes later!

The improbable scene took place in White’s hometown of Detroit while the rocker was there on tour.

In front of a packed house, White invited his girlfriend, Olivia Jean, also a musician, to sing the song Hotel Yorba with him before asking for her hand in marriage.

Once the request was accepted, Entertainment Weekly reports that the beautiful Olivia’s father jumped on stage with a minister who could marry them, which he did on the spot.

More than that, the relationship between Jack White and Olivia Jean, signed to the same label as him (his), had been more or less kept secret until now!

Entertainment Gossip

Britney Spears announces she is pregnant

Britney Spears could be pregnant with her third child, at 40 years.

Britney Spears announced that she was pregnant in another enigmatic message.

“I had lost weight and I gained it back, and my husband told me: You’re pregnant ( …) So I took a pregnancy test and… well… I’m going to have a baby (…),” she says in the message posted on Instagram.

The father, Sam Asghari, has furthermore said that he is very happy about this new responsibility.

The pop princess now in her forties is already the mother of Sean Preston and Jayden James, both born of her tumultuous union with Kevin Federline.

In another surreal moment, Britney Spears publicly received congratulations from Paris Hilton, catapulting us back to the turn of the millennium for a moment.

Entertainment Gossip Sports

Georges St-Pierre launches ‘Warrior’

Are you ready?

Georges St-Pierre’s latest documentary, Warrior, is available today (april 11th) on YouTube.

“Watch the exclusive premiere of Warrior on YouTube,” said a visibly excited Georges St-Pierre a few hours before the premiere, revealing that he was offering a Q&A session with fans following the first airing of the documentary.

Warrior promises to showcase GSP’s preparation on the sidelines of a fight, as well as a look at his battles “inside and outside the octagon”.

A must-see for all St-Pierre fans, in Canada and beyond!

Warrior launches on April 11, starting at 8pm EST on YouTube.

See the trailer right here!

Entertainment Gossip

Mark Wahlberg reveals how he gained 30 pounds for his role in ‘Father Stu’

Mark Wahlberg reveals that his recent filming experience was not an easy one.

While Wahlberg finds himself starring in Father Stu, a film in which he seems to be giving a remarkable performance, the actor reveals how he gained 30 pounds for the title role.

“I had six weeks to gain about 30 pounds. I started with 7,000 calories for the first two weeks and then 11,000 calories for the last four weeks. None of that was fun (…) and at my age that’s not something that’s good for your health (…) I was eating a dozen eggs and a dozen pieces of bacon, two baked potatoes, a big steak, two bowls of white rice and a glass of olive oil (…) and then, sodium to be as swollen as possible (…)”, Mark Wahlberg says in an interview with Entertainment Tonight.

Father Stu is available exclusively in theaters beginning this Easter weekend.

See the trailer right here!

Entertainment Gossip

Bruce Willis is “relieved” that his illness has been revealed

News from Bruce Willis!

Things seemed very bleak for Bruce Willis and his fans when the iconic actor was diagnosed with aphasia.

However, things seem to be getting better for him since the revelation.

Indeed, according to at least one source, Bruce Willis feels “relieved” and feels like he got rid of the “the monkey on his back”, Us Weekly reports.

Willis’ wife and daughter, Emma and Mable, have shared photos of the famous actor in the great outdoors, with the latter appearing visibly serene and smiling, confirming that retirement will do the 67-year-old a lot of good.

Bruce Willis’ family had previously thanked all the actor’s fans for their incredible support since the announcement of the Die Hard star’s diagnosis.

Entertainment Gossip

Britney Spears refuses to pay her mother’s legal fees

Britney Spears is no longer willing to pay for others.

While most of her legal battles are now won, Britney Spears is now having to fight off requests from people involved in her 13-year legal guardianship.

The most recent request is from her own mother, Lynne, who wants her daughter to foot the bill for her legal fees, a bill estimated at no less than $663,000 generated during the singer’s fight for her freedom.

However, Britney Spears seems not to want to know anything about it, reports Entertainment Tonight.

“There is no support for the conclusion that a guardianship estate can be held responsible for the legal fees of a third party. She had the right to hire an attorney for her counsel out of her own funds, and this is an issue between Lynne and her attorneys (…),” the pop star’s attorney Mathew Rosengart confidently concluded.

Jamie Spears, Britney’s father and main actor in this guardianship case, had made a similar request in the margin of his daughter’s release, with a similarly lukewarm result, remember.

Entertainment Gossip

Camila Cabello is tired of the paparazzi

Camila Cabello made an exit in rule on the paparazzi who poison her life.

The Cuban-American singer is disgusted by the treatment of the paparazzi that poison her life. Yesterday, she wrote a long message on Instagram, after her 61 million followers to let them know what she endures.

The performer of the song Havana was enjoying a day off at the beach in Miami when paparazzi disturbed her vacation and published images of her in a swimsuit.

“The paps take me in my bikini and every time I felt super vulnerable and unprepared,” the 25-year-old wrote. “I wore bikinis that were [too] small and I didn’t pay attention to how I looked, then I saw pictures online and comments and I was so upset.”

The star is having a hard time with the situation, which is creating anxiety for her.

“I clutched my heart so tightly my abs hurt, I wasn’t breathing, I was barely smiling and I was so aware of where the paparazzi were the whole time,” she wrote. “I couldn’t let go, relax and do what we’re supposed to do when we go out in nature.”

“What is health if you are so fixated on how your body looks that your mental health suffers and you can’t enjoy your life? Who am I trying to be attractive to and am I even attractive to myself if I can’t let go, relax, have fun and be playful on a beautiful day at the beach?”

Paparazzi have a history of chasing stars to capture images that they sell back to various publications. This isn’t the first time a star has complained about their less than gentle treatment.

Entertainment Gossip

Netflix and Apple+ drop a Will Smith project

Will Smith ‘s Oscar fracas has new and unsuspected fallout.

Both TV giants Netflix and Apple+ have withdrawn their bids to acquire the film project about actor Will Smith‘s life.

According to Variety, the two companies were interested in producing abiographical film about the actor, who before the slap he served to Chris Rock at the Oscars, had a very enviable unblemished career.

But now the slap in the face during prime time at one of the most watched television ceremonies in the world has put a damper on the project.


The move by Netflix and Apple+comes shortly after Netflix and Sonyhad already put creative projects with the troubled star on hold.

Netflix was set to produce the action thriller Fast and Loose starring Smith, while Sony was working on Bad Boys 4.

According to The Sun, “Netflix and Apple+ will instead relocate funds and develop original ideas from new black actors,” says a source in the British daily.

“Working with Will has become a risky venture. They now plan to develop ideas with more family-friendly stars like Mike Epps and Michael B. Jordan,” says the source.

Last Friday, Will Smith has resigned from theMotion Picture Academy, noting that his behavior toward Chris Rock was “shocking, painful and inexcusable.” He also indicated that he would “fully accept all consequences of my conduct.”

Entertainment Gossip

Madonna’s video shocks her fans

Madonna posted a video on TikTok yesterday in which her face looks totally transformed, causing shock among her fans on social networks.

The 63-year-old singer posted this 13-second video a few minutes before the presentation of the Grammy Awards.

We see the star’s hair braided clearing his face. This one seems to have been modified by aesthetic care. The cheekbones of her cheeks seem to have taken volume, as well as her lips which are clearly more pulpy.

Without much doubt, we can suspect that Madonna has usedfillers in her cheeks and lips. It is also noticeable that her face does not show any wrinkles, a rather exceptional fact for a woman of her age. This time, it is likely that she used botox to smooth out her face.

It was enough for thousands of fans to comment on the singer’s aesthetic transformation. Many mentioning that the singer no longer looked like the star who performed Holliday in September 1983