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The Biden family unites as Hunter Biden’s trial begins

The trial of Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, is imminent as jury selection has just begun in Delaware. The President and First Lady, Jill Biden, show unwavering support for their son during this ordeal.

Last September, Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to three charges involving illegal possession of a firearm in 2018, during which time he was battling a substance addiction.

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Despite the ongoing legal proceedings, the Biden family offers unwavering support to Hunter Biden, who has been seen several times in recent weeks at his father’s side at the White House and in Delaware.

On the first day of jury selection, First Lady Jill Biden was present in the courtroom. Shortly after the proceedings began, the President expressed in a statement that he and Jill love their son and are proud of the man he has become.

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Prosecutors claim Hunter Biden made false statements about his drug use on gun purchase forms in 2018.

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Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison if convicted on all three federal charges in the trial, which began Monday, June 3, with jury selection.

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Kelly Osbourne praises Ozempic use, stirs controversy

Recent remarks by Kelly Osbourne promoting the use of Ozempic, a diabetes drug used for weight loss, have reverberated through the entertainment industry, eliciting a mix of support and criticism.

In an interview with E!, Kelly Osbourne expressed her approval of this controversial trend, describing it as amazing. She also praised Ozempic as an effective weight loss option, pointing out that it offers a less boring alternative to working out.

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Kelly Osbourne’s unreserved endorsement of Ozempic stands out in the midst of many celebrities’ non-saying. It also contrasts with the warnings of her mother, Sharon Osbourne, who shared the drug’s side effects, including nausea and drastic weight loss.

Indeed, Sharon Osbourne expressed her concerns about Ozempic, warning against its use during her appearance on The Talk. She had to discontinue its use due to significant side effects she personally experienced during this period.

Despite Sharon Osbourne’s warnings and her own negative experiences, Kelly Osbourne brushed off criticism of the Ozempic trend, attributing it to envy and the drug’s high cost, estimated at between $1,300 and $1,000 a month.

She claimed that those who criticize the Ozempic trend do so out of desire or frustration at not being able to use it themselves!


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Ozempic is receiving increased attention, however, following testimonials from celebrities such as Amy Schumer, Boy George, Tracy Morgan and Chelsea Handler.

In particular, Schumer criticized the hypocrisy of her peers regarding the use of dietary supplements for weight loss, while Handler revealed that she had been prescribed Ozempic without her consent and decided to stop after experiencing nausea.

Both Boy George and Tracy Morgan claimed to have used Ozempic in their weight loss efforts.

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Kristen Stewart on the Rolling Stone is quite the buzz right now

To say that Kristen Stewart is causing a stir by posing for Rolling Stone is an understatement.

The actress is creating a buzz with a unique and provocative photo shoot!

With the photo shoot, it seems Stewart wants to redefine the idea of a sex symbol. Stewart’s article in the magazine is also a declaration of her homosexuality, of which she has never been ashamed.

In fact, the star wants to offer you “the gayest thing you’ve ever seen in your life”, by her own admission.

Stewart appears wearing a variety of daring ensembles, including lacy floral underwear and t-shirts that play on androgynous themes.

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With her words, Kristen Stewart suggests a deliberate attempt to defy gender stereotypes.

Stewart talks about the evolution of her public image. From her efforts to conform to a feminine norm to her acceptance of fluidity that challenges narrow ideas.

Stewart’s relationship with screenwriter Dylan Meyer is also a source of attention, but she is quick to point out that this is only one aspect of her career. Stewart speaks frankly about her desire to start a family and hints at her future plans, without, however, giving too many details.


She also looks back on her Hollywood career, which has been shaped both by her success and by her willingness to choose roles she’s passionate about. Citing industry leaders like Jodie Foster, she acknowledges the challenges openly gay actors have faced. The actress acknowledges that she hasn’t faced the same challenges throughout her career.

She attributes this to the niche she has created for herself, a field where storytelling is more important than commercial appeal.


Rolling Stone’s article on Kristen Stewart is an impressive testament to her willingness to defy gender stereotypes and take on the industry.

What do you think of the result?

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Tips and tricks for family cleaning!

Whew! Family cleaning! Let’s just say it’s not the kids’ favorite family activity, but it’s necessary from time to time!

Depending on the age of your children, they can participate and help at their own level. There are many tips to encourage them to clean up in a fun way, here are a few!

The little ones

Ekaterina Bolovtsova via Pexels

Young children love to imitate their parents. Often, your child will want to clean with you! From 2-3 years old, the child can put away toys with or without help. It is important to give plenty of praise to the child who puts things away. All children (even adults!) seek positive attention. If the child gets it while putting things away, he will want to do it again! You can also turn tidying up time into a game. For example, you could tidy up with tongs (you’ll work on fine motor skills too). You could also have a tidy-up race! The first one to finish wins a prize!

Also, to help the little ones sweep up, you could glue coloured sticky paper on the floor in the shape of a square. This way, the child will have to bring the dust in the square. It’s fun and much easier!

Bigger kids

Anete Lusina via Pexels

No matter how old your kids are, a visual schedule can help.

Make a little chart for yourself as a family that shows everyone’s tasks with beautiful pictograms as well as the time frame for completing those tasks.

This will make everyone’s expectations clear.

In addition, you could determine together rules regarding household chores and consequences for not following the rules. So sit down as a family and talk about it!

Young people who feel involved in setting the family routine are more likely to participate. And, even with teenagers, it’s possible to turn housework into a game!

Turn on the speakers and dance!

Let’s get it on!