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The Biden family unites as Hunter Biden’s trial begins

The trial of Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, is imminent as jury selection has just begun in Delaware. The President and First Lady, Jill Biden, show unwavering support for their son during this ordeal.

Last September, Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to three charges involving illegal possession of a firearm in 2018, during which time he was battling a substance addiction.

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Despite the ongoing legal proceedings, the Biden family offers unwavering support to Hunter Biden, who has been seen several times in recent weeks at his father’s side at the White House and in Delaware.

On the first day of jury selection, First Lady Jill Biden was present in the courtroom. Shortly after the proceedings began, the President expressed in a statement that he and Jill love their son and are proud of the man he has become.

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Prosecutors claim Hunter Biden made false statements about his drug use on gun purchase forms in 2018.

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Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison if convicted on all three federal charges in the trial, which began Monday, June 3, with jury selection.

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Kelly Osbourne praises Ozempic use, stirs controversy

Recent remarks by Kelly Osbourne promoting the use of Ozempic, a diabetes drug used for weight loss, have reverberated through the entertainment industry, eliciting a mix of support and criticism.

In an interview with E!, Kelly Osbourne expressed her approval of this controversial trend, describing it as amazing. She also praised Ozempic as an effective weight loss option, pointing out that it offers a less boring alternative to working out.

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Kelly Osbourne’s unreserved endorsement of Ozempic stands out in the midst of many celebrities’ non-saying. It also contrasts with the warnings of her mother, Sharon Osbourne, who shared the drug’s side effects, including nausea and drastic weight loss.

Indeed, Sharon Osbourne expressed her concerns about Ozempic, warning against its use during her appearance on The Talk. She had to discontinue its use due to significant side effects she personally experienced during this period.

Despite Sharon Osbourne’s warnings and her own negative experiences, Kelly Osbourne brushed off criticism of the Ozempic trend, attributing it to envy and the drug’s high cost, estimated at between $1,300 and $1,000 a month.

She claimed that those who criticize the Ozempic trend do so out of desire or frustration at not being able to use it themselves!


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Ozempic is receiving increased attention, however, following testimonials from celebrities such as Amy Schumer, Boy George, Tracy Morgan and Chelsea Handler.

In particular, Schumer criticized the hypocrisy of her peers regarding the use of dietary supplements for weight loss, while Handler revealed that she had been prescribed Ozempic without her consent and decided to stop after experiencing nausea.

Both Boy George and Tracy Morgan claimed to have used Ozempic in their weight loss efforts.