
Catherine Zeta-Jones catches Michael Douglas in her underwear

Catherine Zeta-Jones walked in on husband Michael Douglas wearing her underwear in preparation for his film role as gay entertainer Liberace.

Catherine Zeta-Jones caught Michael Douglas wearing her underwear.

The Welsh beauty has had to order her 67-year-old spouse away from her clothes and jewellery while he is preparing for his new role as gay entertainer Liberace.

The ‘Intolerable Cruelty’ actress said: "Michael has been in the bedroom and started putting on my diamonds and things.

"I’m like, ‘Michael, please take off those pants. Take ’em off baby. Come on, give me back my rocks.’"

Michael – who battled throat cancer in late 2010 has been going to great lengths to prepare for playing Liberace in Steve Soderbergh’s ‘Behind the Candelabra’ and though his wife is enjoying his playing of the piano, she is tired of the way he has rearranged their home.

Catherine – who has children Dylan, 11, and nine-year-old Carys with the star – is quoted by the Daily Star newspaper as saying: "He winks at me while he plays. But I’m sick of having breakfast by candelabra."

Matt Damon will star as Liberace’s gay lover in the forthcoming biopic.