
Causes of delayed development

Cause of delayed development in children could be physical or social reasons.

About 3 per cent of children do not meet developmental milestones, reports Of that 3 per cent, only 15 to 20 per cent actually have an underlying physical problem. The vast majority will complete their development, just a little more slowly than their peers.

Developmental delays can include everything from motor skills, such as walking or crawling, to language and social skills.

Some of the signs that a child may be developmentally delayed include not being able to rollover at 6 months, not being able to sit alone without assistance by 8 months, not being able to crawl by 12 months, and not being able to walk by the age of 15 months.

Physical reasons for delays may include, among others, premature birth, abnormalities of the brain or the chromosomes, an infection or metabolic disorder.

Social reasons for the delay involve two extremes in childcare—either neglect or overprotectiveness. In the case of neglect, there is weak external stimuli, so the child rarely enjoys human interaction or access to toys. On the other hand, overprotective parents may unwittingly hinder their child’s motor development by not allowing them to move freely, or pass along fears that the child will fall and get hurt.

If motor development delays are not addressed, they tend to be followed by additional delays in visual and fine motor skills, as well as communication skills. So, it’s very important for a parent to make note of any delays and seek advice from a doctor.