
Champix scrutinized over potential health risks

Study shows that smoking-cessation drug may be unsafe for some

The U.S. Agency for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released the results of a study on Champix, a Pfizer drug used by smokers wishing to break the habit, and Health Canada have taken note.

Approximately 700 smokers with cardiovascular disease were monitored in clinical trials, uncovering a 2 percent increased risk of cardiac side effects versus a 1 percent risk for those not taking the drug.

The increased risk, while seemingly insignificant, is under review by Health Canada: "We will take appropriate action as necessary based on the results of our review. Canadians will be updated with any new safety recommendations regarding Champix use."

Among other noted side-effects are chest pain, irregular heartbeat, heart attack or stroke.

The FDA has advised that smokers taking Champix should consider the risks: "The known benefits of Champix should be weighed against its potential risks when deciding to use the drug in smokers with cardiovascular disease."