
Charges against King of Pop’s doctor

Charges will be officially laid today against Michael Jackson’s doctor.

Michael Jackson’s personal doctor will face criminal charges today (February 3), People reports.

A lawyer for Dr. Conrad Murray, J. Michael Flanagan, says his client is in Los Angeles and is prepared to turn himself in.

Flanagan says he cannot confirm rumours that Murray will be charged with involuntary manslaughter because he administered the drug that caused Jackson’s death at age 50 last June.

The coroner who did the autopsy on Jackson found a large amount of Propofol in the singer’s body.

Authorities seized several items including a cell phone and laptop from Murray’s home during this investigation.

The investigation into Jackson’s death wrapped up in December. A source confirmed that there was enough evidence to charge Dr. Murray.

This case is particularly complicated because the doctor broke no laws when he administered Propofol to the singer. He could, however, be charged with involuntary manslaughter for his negligence.