
Charlie Sheen calls for Men to end

Charlie Sheen thinks his old show ‘Two and a Half Men’ should come to an end this year.

Charlie Sheen thinks ‘Two and a Half Men’ should be axed.

The 43-year-old actor – who was sacked from the sitcom last year because of his erratic conduct and public criticisms of creator Chuck Lorre – thinks his replacement Ashton Kutcher and the rest of the cast are being given substandard material to work with and says they "deserve" better.

He said: "I don’t think it should go on past this year. I just think that people are there because there’s nowhere else to go. Yet.

"Hats off to Ashton for doing the best job that he can. I don’t think that he’s working with the best writing because [Lorre is] doing too many shows. He and [Jon Cryer] and [Angus T. Jones] deserve better material."

Despite his comments, Charlie – who is now working on a new comedy show, ‘Anger Management’ – insists he doesn’t care what happens to the show because he has moved on and now feels "free".

He added to The Hollywood Reporter: "I don’t want to harp on them. Let the clueless stay clueless. I was a puppet there for ratings. But whatever, I don’t care. I’ve moved on, and whatever they’re doing there is none of my business."

"Whatever started with Chuck rolled down to all of us. I’m not saying it was s**t, but I’m not saying it was f**king gold either. But whatever, man, they’re doing their thing and I’m free from their bondage."

He may be disappointed with the quality of ‘Two and a Half Men’, but Charlie promised fans will love his new show.

He said: "We will not disappoint. At this stage of the game, to deliver a turd? It’s not going to happen.

"It’s going to be an absolute f**king rocket ship to the moon."