
Charlie Sheen’s plane searched by custom officials

Charlie Sheen’s private plane was inspected by custom officials and drug-sniffing dogs at Brown Field Airport in San Diego as he returned from a holiday in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

Charlie Sheen had his private plane inspected by custom officials as he returned from Mexico.

The ‘Two And A Half Men’ star was travelling back to the US from Mexico when the plane was forced to land at Brown Field Airport in San Diego to be searched by US customs officers but nothing was found.

A source told "Charlie was on his private plane coming back from Cabo San Lucas … and had to stop in San Diego for inspection.

"They took all the bags off the plane, and had drug-sniffing dogs go through the plane and bags … A dog sniffed around one of the suitcases on the tarmac. The dog scratched on the case, and it was opened, but it was a false alarm."

Charlie cooperated with authorities fully, stepping off the plane and talking to uniformed officers whilst waiting on the tarmac. Once the search was complete, Charlie was allowed to go on his way.

Charlie is known for his wild lifestyle but he admits his own party stamina was nothing to match that of Lindsay Lohan, who out drank him on a wild night out.

He recalled: "I invited her over one night and said lets watch our episode because it’s pretty f***ing cool. I out-drank her, or she out-drank me. And she literally tucked me in. I got tucked in by Lindsay Lohan. She kissed me on the cheek and said ‘Sleep well young prince.’"

Meanwhile, Charlie has been open about his HIV diagnosis in the hope it will raise awareness to help others but he previously admitted he wanted to kill himself after he was diagnosed.

He said recently: "The day I was diagnosed, I immediately wanted to eat a bullet. But my mom was there, I wouldn’t do that in front of her, or let her find me to clean up that mess …

"[Now] I feel really good. I am so grateful. I feel like I’m carrying the torch for a lot of folks out there that are suffering from the same thing."