
Charlize Theron enjoys ageing process

Charlize Theron admits she’s enjoy growing older because she feels more confident in her skin now than when she was in her 20s.

Charlize Theron has enjoyed the process of ageing.

The 39-year-old actress, who has adopted two-year-old son Jackson, admits she feels more comfortable with her looks now than when she was younger.

Speaking in Red magazine, she explained: ”I’ve loved getting older; I really have. That doesn’t mean I don’t have moments when I look in the mirror and find myself going, ‘Oh my god.’ But I’m much more at ease looking at myself now than when I was 20 and I had gorgeous skin and a fat, plump face.”

The blonde beauty moved to Italy from South Africa with her mother at the age of 16 after winning a modelling contract, but she wishes she’d appreciated herself more when she was that age rather than criticising her beauty because of the industry.

She said: ”I looked at myself then and I didn’t appreciate any of it. Also, there was something about my beauty at that time that almost felt like it was waiting to be this age. I was so desperate to, like, have some kind of experience in my life, like not feeling that I came from the world of modelling. It was like I was waiting to look at my face and see life.”