
Charlize Theron: Hollywood’s caveman-like

Charlize Theron has slammed Hollywood, calling it "caveman-like" for not allowing women an opportunity to work with higher budgets.

Charlize Theron says Hollywood is "caveman-like".

The 41-year-old actress has slammed the movie industry and admits she is "ashamed" that women don’t get to work with higher budgets.

She told Variety: "I am ashamed that I’m part of an industry that has never allowed a woman to work with a budget higher [than Wonder Woman].

"That’s so f***ing caveman-like. I am always hoping that this is the movie that’s going to change it."

Meanwhile, the blonde beauty previously revealed she thinks women are misrepresented in sci-fi movies.

She reflected: "I’ve always wanted to explore the genre a little bit more, especially because I think it’s such a misconception that women don’t like the genre, or that they don’t want to go and see these movies.

"I just feel like women have been so misrepresented in these films – why do we have to go and see the genre every single time with the girl in the back of the frame in a push-up bra? Why isn’t there a girl that’s standing on the same playing field with the guys?"

And Charlize has claimed that attractive actresses are overlooked for "meaty" roles.

She explained: "Jobs with real gravitas go to people that are physically right for them and that’s the end of the story. How many roles are out there for the gorgeous, f***ing, gown-wearing eight-foot model? When meaty roles come through, I’ve been in the room and pretty people get turned away first."