
Charlize Theron Kissed a Girl

A lady paid $140 000 to get a smooch from Charlize Theron.

As part of the OneXOne charity event in San Francisco, Theron agreed to auction away a kiss.

Us magazine revealed that the actress wanted to offer a trip to South Africa in 2010, which would include tickets to the World Cup, a safari and a meeting with Nelson Mandela.

She then decided to give away a 7-second kiss to a man who would bid $130 000. She commented, "Swine flu is going around. This is high risk kissing!" She also added that her main man, Stuart Townsend, was not present.

Finally, after a man bid $135 000, a woman upped the ante with $140 000, and therefore won the prize. She headed on stage to get her kiss in public.