
Cherries may combat jet lag

Travelers should eat melatonin-rich cherries to combat the effects of jet lag.

Cherries, which have a high concentration of melatonin, could be a very effective tool in combating the effects of jet lag, reports Libération.
According to Russel J. Reiter, a specialist in melatonin, cherries are one of the foods that have a very high concentration of this hormone, which is a powerful antioxidant produced naturally by the human body that helps regulate biorhythm and natural sleep.
According to research from the University of Science Texas, a mere handful of cherries contains more melatonin than what is naturally found in the blood flow, and are very effective in reset ting our biological clock to zero when we want to adapt to another time zone.
"Travelers often use melatonin supplements to help regulate their sleep cycle over the long haul, but picking cherries may be a natural alternative," said Russel J. Reiter.
Melatonin works best if taken one hour before desired sleep for three nights after arrival, but this depends on the number of time zones were crossed.