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Chicago opens its neighbourhoods to tourism

Chicago’s updated tourist website offers information on its neighbourhoods.

When visiting a city, tourists mainly like to focus on its downtown area, particularly on the historical aspects, one or two large green spaces and some notable, recognizable buildings. What tourists rarely do is take the time to visit its neighbourhoods, even though this is where the soul of a city is anchored and what gives it its true colour.

It is with the firm intention of attracting tourists that Chicago launches its new tourism website. Neighbourhoods here get equal billing with the city’s main attractions. In all, there are more than 2,000 additional pieces of information  included on the site, ranging from places to visit to particular facts about specific urban residential neighbourhoods.

Additional information that the site offers includes some tidbits city authorities wanted to provide, including the location of a medieval armour shop in the Norfolk area or the location of a Confederate cemetery in Greater Grand Crossing.

The new site goes live on Monday, May 24.