
Children of divorce at higher risk for strokes

Risk of stroke more than double for adults whose parents divorced.

Based on a survey of more the 13,000 Canadian adults, researchers discovered that those whose parents had divorced when they were children had twice the odds of having a stroke at some time in their lives.

Even when scientists made allowances for all kinds of health behaviours like smoking, obesity, and exercise level, the increased stroke risk did not change.

Researchers believe that early life stressors might somehow become “psychologically embedded” in children, and that prolonged exposure to stress alters the body’s ability to regulate cortisol – the fight or flight stress hormone.

The report notes that divorce was more uncommon 50 or 60 years ago and more of a stigma for children. Today, the “winner take all” adversarial approach to divorce and custody is also contributing to significant childhood stress.

"We just found an interesting association that needs a lot more research before we can come to any conclusions. There’s something going on – we just don’t know exactly what,” said lead author Esme Fuller-Thomson, professor at the University of Toronto.