
Children should not watch 3D

Samsung releases a warning about viewing in 3D.

2010 has been a 3D year, made popular by the film Avatar released last year. More and more movies are following suit and some personal televisions offering 3D are starting to appear.

However, Samsung Electronics Canada has released a warning along with its 3D television. It says that long term effects of wearing 3D glasses are not yet known and that studies have just begun.

Marketing director Robert Gumiela says, "Your left eye shutters 60 times per second and your right eye shutters 60 times per second (with the glasses). We’re not sure how you react to shuttering, but we’re issuing this warning: ‘Be very careful. If you start to feel dizzy, stop watching’."

3D viewing is not recommended for children, pregnant women and the elderly. Parents are asked to always ensure that their children are not dizzy, that they have no involuntary movements or spasms or experience cramps or nausea.

It is not yet proven that 3D has adverse effects on pregnant women and the elderly, but as a precaution, Samsung’s lawyers suggested the company put a warning on their product.

Gumiela quickly adds, "We don’t have any concrete evidence yet, but the legal teams have just said, ‘Let’s cover all bases just in case’."

Samsung recommends you avoid watching 3-D "if you are in bad physical condition, need sleep or have been drinking alcohol."