
Choir boy collapses near Queen Elizabeth during Remembrance ceremony

A young choir boy collapsed a few metres away from Britain’s Queen Elizabeth during the Remembrance Sunday ceremony (09.11.14).

A young choir boy collapsed a few metres away from Britain’s Queen Elizabeth during the Remembrance Sunday ceremony.

An unnamed boy was taken to the hospital as he fainted at the Cenotaph in London on Sunday (09.11.14) as the British national anthem played.

The young man was due to sing in the Remembrance Sunday ceremony – which honours British and Commonwealth soldiers who have died during conflict and marks the 100th anniversary since the start of the First World War – as part of The Choir of Her Majesty’s Chapel Royal.

However, he collapsed shortly after the 88-year-old queen laid her wreath of poppies on the top step on the Cenotaph in London and had to be taken to St Thomas’ Hospital to be checked over.

According to the Daily Mail newspaper, a spokesman for Buckingham Palace said the boy was ”okay”.

They said: ”I understand he’s okay and will be discharged very soon.”

In June the 12-year-old Charles Hope, Viscount Aithrie fainted as Queen Elizabeth delivered a speech to Parliament at the House of Lords.

Charles – who will inherit the title of Earl of Hopetoun and Marquess of Linlithgow – collapsed eight minutes into the monarch’s speech and was quickly carried out of the chamber.