
Chris Brown Has Regrets

Chris Brown regrets the assault on Rihanna last February that resulted in his arrest.  

Brown has finally decided to talk about the incident.  The young star released a video on the Internet, in which he apologizes for his behaviour, and says he wishes he would have made different choices.

"Since February my attorney has advised me not to speak out even though ever since the incident I wanted to publicly express my deepest regret and accept full responsibility," said Brown.

The singer added that he does have control over his emotions, but last February he did lose control. "I take great pride in me being able to exercise self control, and what I did was inexcusable. I am very saddened and very ashamed of what I have done. My mother and my spiritual teachers have taught me way better than that."

Having grown up in a violent atmosphere, Brown added that he knows that his actions with Rihanna were unacceptable.  Brown hopes that now the public will give him the chance to be a role model to his fans.

Last June, Brown pleaded guilty to assault and battery.  He was sentenced to five years of probation, a year of therapy, six months of community service and a fine.  He is also not permitted to contact Rihanna.