
Chris Brown Is Depressed

Singer Chris Brown has been drowning his sorrows in alcohol.

According to the site X17, singer Chris Brown, who is completely devastated as a result of the charges pressed against him, has been turning to booze as his crutch.

“Chris is a mess. He lost a lot of weight, about 15 lbs. I do know that Chris is also in a depression and is drinking a lot," said a close source to the 19-year-old singer.
While Brown is trying to escape scandal from the media, Rihanna is trying to find ways to forget about the incident, which occurred just before the Grammys, where Chris Brown allegedly assaulted her.
"Rihanna is doing great. She is trying to put Chris on the back burner. They still have joint business assets so they are still keeping in touch indirectly. She is focusing on her new album," revealed the same source.