
Christian Bale Needs Help

Christian Bale’s sister says that her brother needs to see someone to help him control his anger.

The actor’s sister, Sharon, hopes that her brother will get some professional help.

Last week, in a recording that surfaced the Web, we could hear Bale going off on Shane Hurlbut, a photography director for Terminator Salvation, for interrupting a scene.

Bale followed up with an apology, saying that he had a dreadful week. According to his sister, he needed time to rest, since he had been shooting film after film nonstop.

"It’s terribly sad. He seems to be incredibly stressed and angry at the moment. This sort of behavior is totally out of character, and I think he might need help," his sister told the Daily Telegraph.

Last year, Bale’s mother and sister filed a complaint against the actor for having verbally abused them. The charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.