Mode et accessoires

Christian Louboutin wins case against anti-Islamic group

Christian Louboutin has won an injunction against Belgian activists Women Against Islamisation, who were using his iconic red sole design in their campaign posters without permission.

Christian Louboutin has won a court case against an anti-Islamic group.

The esteemed footwear designer has been granted an injunction against Belgian activists Women Against Islamisation, who were using his iconic red-soled shoes in their campaign posters without his permission.

In a court ruling in Antwerp on Monday (10.14.13), it was agreed the campaign ”tarnished” the brand’s image and all posters should be removed within 24 hours, BBC News is reporting.

The poster in question showed the Louboutin-clad legs of Anke Van dermeersch, a former Miss Belgium winner and now a senator for far-right group Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest).

An accompanying key showed what it claimed was Islam’s view of a woman based on the length of her skirt, from ”sharia conform” at floor level to ”stoning” at the top of the thigh.

Anke appeared unfazed in September when it was announced Louboutin would be taking the case to court.

She said: ”Are politicians still allowed to dress the way they want? It seems that not only Islam is intolerant… A legal judgment on a dress code for politicians would be a surreal precedent. Apart from the absurd argument concerning reputational damage, there is no legal basis for such a dress code.”

A member of Vlaams Belang has since posted an image of their revised poster on Twitter, which has switched the red-soled shoes for yellow ones.