
Christina Aguilera adds more reasons to the list

The singer now says she wants her fans to take the time to learn the songs off her new album.

A few days after announcing the cancellation of her summer tour, Christina Aguilera is starting to pile on the excuses. It appears she is attempting to turn the media’s attention away from the real reason her tour is not happening… because not enough tickets were being sold.

Aguilera is being pressed to explain her sudden about-face. First, she denied accusations of imitating Lady Gaga. Now she says her tour was cancelled because fans don’t have enough time to learn the songs on her new album, Bionic. It is scheduled to be released on June 8.

A spokesperson for Aguilera said: "The singer felt she needed more time to rehearse the show and with less than a month between the album release and tour date this wasn’t possible."

However, it seems like disappointing ticket sales are the real reason the show will not go on this year. Christina Aguilera’s star faded a bit while she was off on maternity leave and it now appears that her name alone is not enough to fill a big space.