
Cindy Crawford’s bad makeup

Cindy Crawford pressed so much makeup into her skin when she did her first photo shoot that she ended up looking 12.

Cindy Crawford slapped on so much makeup for her first modeling job that she looked like a child.

The 50-year-old actress landed her first photo shoot alongside legendary catwalk queen Iman – the widow of David Bowie – when she was at university, which she later dropped out of to persuade a runway career, but now can’t help but look back on the pictures and cringe because she smothered her face with artificial slap.

Speaking to People, she said: "I remember one of my first modeling jobs, where I had to do my own hair and makeup. I didn’t wear makeup; I didn’t know how to do makeup and I didn’t even own any makeup. I had to go out and buy it all. The job was with Iman and Dianne deWitt, and I remember being in the mirror trying to watch and emulate what they were doing, but those girls can paint! The picture was hilarious because I literally look 12 years old."

And, although she became one of the most popular supermodels on the runway, the brunette beauty feels that her fresh face back in the day is now haunting her because people regularly compare her looks now to the youthful glow she had when she was in her twenties and it really affects her.

She explained: "I don’t need everyone on Instagram pointing out that I don’t look the same way I did when I was 20. I know that. Sometimes when you’re in the public eye, it can be hard, and that’s where you kind of have to work on yourself.

"No matter what I do, I’m not going to look 20 or 30. I just want to look great for 50. I exercise, eat healthy and take really good care of my skin. There’s pressure on women to do the undoable, which is not age. But it’s about looking great for however old you are, regardless of what that number is."