Mode et accessoires

Clemence Poesy’s simple style

Clemence Poesy has admitted she used to be a slave to fashion but getting older has made her choose more simple accessories.

Clemence Poesy no longer hides behind fashion.

The ‘Harry Potter’ actress – who is renowned for her style choices – admitted she used to be a slave to fashion but getting older has made her choose more simple accessories.

Speaking about Parisian shop Matieres a Reflexion, Clemence, 29 said: "I love rings. The pieces here are quite rock’n’roll while also being poetic. The more you grow, the more you go for simple accessories because you don’t need to hide behind fashion, it’s OK to just be you.

"I love the Brooklyn Flea Market in New York. This market is huge. It’s partly house in an old bank and you can find wonders if you take the time to trawl."

In keeping with her more "simple" style, Clemence revealed she spends her free time wearing casual clothes such as jeans and t-shirts, a huge departure from the red carpet style she is renowned for.

The model explained to Stylist magazine: "I love Made Well in the USA. They don’t sell outside of the US and they’re fantastic for simple stuff like good classic shirts. I live in jeans, T-shirts and sweaters."