
Coffee protects against oral cancers

Four cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of developing cancer of the mouth and pharynx.

Researchers at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City say that drinking four cups of coffee a day would reduce the risk of developing cancer of the mouth and pharynx  by 39%.

They hasten to add that people should consume coffee in moderation because caffeine can increase heart rate and blood pressure.

According to the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention by the American Association for Cancer Research, researchers analyzed nine studies. They compared the coffee consumption patterns of 5,000 cancer patients and 9,000 healthy people.

After taking into account such risk factors as smoking, diet and alcohol consumption, they concluded that people who drink four cups of coffee a day were 39% less likely to have cancer of the mouth.

This type of cancer can affect the lips, tongue, gums, etc. Smoking and alcohol are the main factors, but poor diet and the sun’s ultraviolet rays also have an impact on the disease. Among the first symptoms observed are ulcers that do not heal, frequent bleeding, difficulty swallowing or chewing, and pain.

Unfortunately, cancers of the mouth are often difficult to treat and surgery can sometimes leave a person disfigured.