
Colin Farrell Changes His Lifestyle

Colin Farrell is dating English writer Emma Forrest, and the relationship has changed Farrell’s lifestyle.

According to a report by FemaleFirst, the Irish actor has been dating the writer for six months.  He is very much in love and is leaving his drunken nights behind and spending all of his time with Forrest.

A source revealed, "Colin is a changed man. He has knocked the drinking on the head and is enjoying life in a completely different way. Emma has been a steadying influence. They have spent months trying to keep the relationship secret because they are falling madly in love."

"In the past, Colin has gone for stereotypical movie star girlfriends but Emma has offered him something completely different," added the source.

Earlier this month, the 32-year-old star was the subject of rumours that he had wed his then-girlfriend, Muireann McDonnell, when he was spotted wearing what appeared to be a wedding ring.