
Colin Farrell ‘close to death’ from alcohol

Colin Farrell realised he needed to quit drinking in 2005 when his body began shutting down and he felt he didn’t have long left to live.

Colin Farrell’s drinking left him close to death.

The ‘Seven Psychopaths’ actor – who battled alcohol and drug addictions for years – eventually decided to get clean and went to rehab in Antigua in 2005 after realizing his body was shutting down on him.

He said: "Obviously I’m not a doctor but you don’t have to have a degree in medicine to know when your body’s shutting down. I genuinely didn’t think I had much longer.

"I’d reached the point where the only voices that had any clarity in the room were the voices of destruction and obliteration."

The 36-year-old star claims he has always had an addictive personality and would obsess about particular kinds of food from a young age.

He told the Sunday Times magazine: "I’ve been an addict since I was a kid. I’m not joking man – you can ask my mother. I had a Lion Bar addiction for six months when I was seven. Then I had a Coco Pops addiction. I’d go on Smash mashed potato binges, tins of tuna benders. Anything. I’d get addicted to a crosswind. Whatever made me feel good."