Dans les coulisses

Connor McDavid lost a game (by a lot) in a garage league

During the regular season, players have more or less time to take it easy. After all, the calendar is so full that time off is quite precious to them.

But in the off-season, it’s a different story.

After all, the guys have to train, sure, but in the end, they have more time on their hands. Some use it to spend time with their families, but others are sometimes seen in public.

And recently, Connor McDavid proved that he likes field hockey, because he was seen playing field hockey in a garage league, which means in a league where nothing forces him to show up.

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Imagine the scene: you’re playing in your usual league and suddenly #97 of the Edmonton Oilers comes onto the ice. It must be a pretty special feeling.

And it must be frightening/funny.

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Basically, McDavid showed up in Ontario in a finals game. He was up against Quinton Byfield, of all people, but it was the Oilers’ captain who really caught the eye.

Understandably, he didn’t exactly give it his all. Otherwise, it would have been a bit unfair, let’s face it.

But the fact remains that perhaps he didn’t try hard enough , as his club lost by a score of 9-4. The championship was lost by the club in blue.

These guys will forever brag about beating McJesus.

People on the scene were talking about how McDavid didn’t put in any effort, but was still stronger than everyone else. That’s what he had to do in such a case, we’ll say.

Hats off to him for doing that. He probably made a lot of people’s day. And when I say the day, I mean the week… and the month… and the year.

In Brief

– Philly contract.

– Tryout season has begun.

– Too late indeed.

– Messi in MLS: too strong for the league?[BPM Sports]

– Does he have what it takes?