
Conor Maynard’s praise for Frank Ocean

Conor Maynard has praised Frank Ocean for getting people interested in R&B again with his debut album ‘Channel Orange’.

Conor Maynard has praised Frank Ocean for getting people interested in R&B again.

The 19-year-old singer recorded a song written by Frank for his record ‘Contrast’ and Conor is proud to have worked with Frank before the release of his well received debut album ‘Channel Orange’.

He told MTV News: "He’s blowing up right now. For me, it’s crazy to watch that he’s a proper, true kind of R&B singer, and he’s still kind of out there doing really well. It’s sometimes difficult for R&B singers to make people want to listen. It’s one of those genres that almost faded to the background a little bit and it’s people trying to bring it back, and he’s doing an amazing job of that."

However, Conor is sorry he never got to meet Frank before he recorded ‘Pictures’.

He explained: "With Frank Ocean, funny enough, I never got to meet him. It was one of those sessions where a song is put out there, where someone writes it, and someone else hears it and I end up with a song on my album. For me, it’s kind of annoying I never got to meet him, but at the same time it’s an incredible song."