
Conrad Hilton hit with restraining order after suicide threat

Conrad Hilton has been hit with a restraining order after threatening to kill himself if his ex-girlfriend Hunter Salomon refused to see him.

Conrad Hilton has been hit with a restraining order after threatening to kill himself over his failed relationship with Hunter Salomon.

Documents have been filed against the 21-year-old socialite by his ex-girlfriend – the daughter of Rick Salomon and E.G. Daily – who claims Conrad said he will commit suicide, threatened violence and asked for her hand in marriage while visiting her at her mother’s house.

According to website Gossip Cop, Hunter has filed papers which require him to stay 100 yards away from her, her sister Tyson, her mother and her father, who infamously took part in a sex tape with Conrad’s older sister Paris.

In the court papers Hunter says he, ”asked if he could please just see me before he kills himself”, and claims Conrad told her to ”get a restraining order because he can’t restrain himself.”

He was previously arrested over a 10-hour meltdown while on board a British Airways flight from London to Los Angeles last year, during which he reportedly screamed threats at flight attendants.

Court papers from the incident said: ”I told all of them I could get all of their jobs taken away in less than 30 seconds.”

He was then placed under house arrest after breaking his $100,000 bail by failing a drugs test and was ordered to remain in ”his residence every day from 10:00 pm. to 5:00 am” earlier this month.