
Conrad Murray becomes tearful during trial

Michael Jackson’s doctor wipes away tears during testimony of former patients.

Yesterday (October 26), during the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, 58, accused of accidentally causing the death of pop star Michael Jackson, the cardiologist became very emotional when five former patients testified on his behalf, reports the NY Daily News.

Murray nodded his head and wiped away tears as his patients described him as a compassionate doctor who often provided free care.

"That man sitting there is the best doctor I’ve ever seen,” said Andrew Guest, 48, a locksmith from Las Vegas, told the jury. “He’s actually called me at home on a weekend and asked me how I was doing. He’s a great guy.”

Another patient, Ruby Mosley, said Murray placed patient care above profit, and at his Houston clinic founded in honor of his father, "You did not see a sign that said ‘Present ID or your insurance card.’ You saw the doctor first.”

Prosecutors claim that Murray was grossly negligent by giving Jackson an overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol, and leaving the sedated singer unattended and without proper equipment to monitor his vital signs, all of which led to his death in June 2009.