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Convicted felon Donald Trump banned from traveling to Canada?

Donald Trump’s recent guilty verdict could result in foreign travel restrictions in several countries for the former president… including Canada!

Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 counts brought against him in the highly-exposed case concerning his attempts to conceal bribe payments to Stormy Daniels during his 2016 election campaign.

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This conviction represents a historic turning point, as Trump is the first former US president to be convicted of criminal offenses while seeking re-election. Moreover, it is unprecedented, as it could also mean the first time an American president has been banned from entering nearly forty countries, including several allies.

To protect their citizens and preserve national security, countries around the world, including G7 members such as the UK and Canada, impose strict entry criteria on individuals convicted of crimes.

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These rules usually result in automatic denial of visas or entry permits for people with criminal convictions. They could affect Trump’s international travel, complicating both his personal and diplomatic trips in the event of re-election.

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Trump awaits his sentencing, scheduled for July 11, when he could receive a sentence ranging from probation to four years in prison.