
Cooper And Aniston Are Just Friends

Actor Bradley Cooper said that he does not have a romantic relationship with Jennifer Aniston.

Cooper, who stars in the film The Hangover, told People magazine that there is nothing serious between he and Jennifer Aniston, even though the paparazzi have taken many photos of the two of them together. "She’s a friend of mine. Simply, simply, just a friend," said the 34-year-old actor.

Cooper claims the American media are too quick to conclude about romantic relationships between celebrities. He explained, "She’s someone who is super, super known. Famous. If someone says ‘hello’ to her, it’s given that he’s fallen in love with her. So, no. No. She’s a very, very interesting woman, but she’s simply a friend."

Meanwhile, the star is concentrating on his next film, Valentine’s Day, which will begin filming in September and also stars Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Biel, Jessica Alba and Ashton Kutcher.