Nouvelles quotidiennes

Copenhagen Christmas Tree Gets Eco-Friendly

In order to light up the big Christmas tree in Copenhagen, citizens must get their legs in motion.

To own up to the title as host of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP15), which concludes today (December 18), the city of Copenhagen, Denmark has set a symbolic example of making a green effort to prevent climate change.

The mayor, who puts up an enormous Christmas tree in front of the city hall each year, decided to let the locals play a crucial part in the lighting of the tree.

Surrounded by a slew of bicycles, the tree is lit via a generator powered by the energy output of human pedaling, requiring only voluntary participation and a pair of legs.

The tree that went up this year in the middle of Copenhagen’s City Hall Square measures 17 metres and contains at least 700 LED lights.

Copenhagen is known for being a green city that strongly encourages its citizens to travel on bike each day. The city provides at least 350 kilometres of bike paths, and a third of the residents commute to work on bike, rain or shine.