
Corey Feldman vows to stop talking about Corey Haim

Corey Feldman has vowed to stay silent when it comes to his late friend Corey Haim, out of respect for Haim’s mother Judy.

Corey Feldman has vowed to stop talking about his late friend Corey Haim.

The 45-year-old actor has taken the vow of silence over his pal – who passed away in 2010 aged 38 – after Haim’s mother Judy requested last month that he leave her son out of the headlines.

Speaking to previously, Judy said: "I have had enough of hearing him [Feldman] dragging him [Haim] into his own world. The lies keep continuing."

The ‘Stand By Me’ actor has now responded to Judy’s claims, saying he never intended to "cause anybody pain", and he would respect her wishes and stop "bringing up his name".

Speaking on the ‘Dr. Oz Show’ on Tuesday (09.27.16), Feldman said: "Out of respect to [Judy Haim], regardless of where the fault lies, regardless of all that stuff, that’s not my issue and it’s not my place to judge. My only thing is that I answered the questions and I love Corey and I miss him to death, but if me bringing up his name is affecting her life in any negative way, then it has to stop because I’m not here to cause anybody pain."

Feldman previously claimed that his ‘Lost Boys’ co-star Haim had been sexually assaulted by a Hollywood producer when he was just 11, and the drug and alcohol problems he suffered with up until his death came as a result of having to deal with that trauma.

Feldman said: "He had more direct abuse than I did. With me, there were some molestations and it did come from several hands, so to speak, but with Corey, his was direct rape, whereas mine was not actual rape."

Whilst Feldman would not name any individuals for legal reasons, he alleged that people in Hollywood circles were aware of the abuse.

He said: "This person uses intimidation and threats as a way to keep people quiet. And all these men were all friends.

"Like it was something people joked about on studio lots. We’re not talking about huge executives and directors that I am aware of that were involved in this. The people that I knew doing it were publicists, they were photographers for teen magazines, things like that."