
Corn syrup packs on more pounds than table sugar

Corn syrup plays a bigger role in society’s obesity woes than table sugar.

It is well known that our sugar intake has dramatically increased over the past years. This is in part due to the expanding presence of corn syrup.

This type of syrup is rich in fructose and is widely found in many soft drinks, cereals and pastries. Less expensive than table sugar, it has replaced sugar in many products.

Researchers from the Department of Psychology and the Princeton Neuroscience Institute published a study online in the journal Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior.

Over an eight-week period, they served lab rats drinking water sweetened with syrup that had a high fructose content (half the concentration found in soft drinks). Another group of rats received water with table sugar. Although both groups consumed the same number of calories, rats that were given corn syrup gained much more weight than those who consumed table sugar.

It was also noted that the fatter rats accumulated excessive amounts of fat in the abdomen.

Doctors said corn syrup with its high fructose content is a sugar which absorbs very rapidly, faster than table sugar. This favours the formation of free fatty acids, which lower the levels of good cholesterol and increase the risk of coronary heart disease.

Extra weight in the abdomen area encourages the development of heart problems and diabetes.