
Could fish oil help fight alcoholism?

Study discovers omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oils help to curb alcohol intake in mice.

The omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil could help to curtail alcohol abuse, according to a new study published in the journal Translational Psychiatry.

Researchers at the Indian University School of Medicine stumbled upon the discovery by accident, while studying the effects of fish oil as a treatment for bipolar disorder.

Working with bipolar mice, they found that the animals with the mental disorder – like many human bipolar sufferers – had a tendency towards alcohol abuse. When treated with the omega 3 fatty acid DHA, the mice’s moods not only leveled out, but they showed a reduced desire for alcohol.

"These bipolar mice, like some bipolar patients, love alcohol," explained lead author Dr. Alexander Niculescu. "The mice on DHA drank much less, it curtailed their alcohol abusive behavior."

The researchers repeated the experiment by giving DHA to alcohol-preferring rats, with similar results.

"We believe a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids may help the treatment and prevention of bipolar disorder, and may help with alcoholism as well," said Niculescu.