
Country Life for Jessica Simpson

For her next CD, American singer Jessica Simpson wants to return to her country roots.

The singer, who has her first film opening this week, The Dukes of Hazzard, told MTV that her next album will have a country flavor.

The young woman seems to have appreciated the country life while filming in Louisiana.  "Living in the South for three months again felt really good," Simpson said of shooting the film in Louisiana.It brought a lot of my personality back that I was missing. I tried to go back there a little bit."

Simpson also worked with country singer Willie Nelson on the film, where they discussed working together.  "We’ve been talking about it, Willie and I," Simpson said. "We have some songs put away for each other, but I don’t know what we’re going to end up doing. We’ll see."

Her next disc, And the Band Played On is nearly completed.  She has only two more songs to record.  "You’ll hear [the country], but you’ll also hear the fun club songs. Club songs and country songs; it’s all of it, mixed into one," Simpson said. "Just really good music."