
Courtney Love Loses Parental Rights

Courtney Love has lost legal custody of her daughter, Frances Bean.

A Los Angeles court has once again temporarily denied Love parental custody of her 17-year-old daughter, without precisely citing the reasons behind the decision. Kurt Cobain’s mother, Wendy O’Connor, and his younger sister, Kimberly, have been granted the responsibility of overseeing the teenager’s legal, medical and financial affairs.
Attorney Jeffrey S. Cohen, who was not involved in the case, said that the decision doesn’t necessarily imply that Love is an unfit mother or that she has permanently lost custody. He explained, "It’s too early to say. It could be because she’s simply going out of state for a long period of time." 
During an interview with Harper’s Bazaar last year, Frances Bean revealed that her paternal grandmother has always been the rock in her life. She stated, "She’s probably the person I respect most out of anybody in the world."
Love’s rep hasn’t yet offered any comment, but a lawyer for Frances and Kurt Cobain’s mother and sister stated, "This is a private family matter."
Another custody trial is set for February 10.
Love is planning to release her new album, Nobody’s Daughter, sometime in 2010. She revealed that greed, vengeance and feminism are the main subjects of her songs.